Spray Me With Your Cum Gun

Mini PelterSpring is upon us and we can’t help thinking of Summer. The past couple of Summers here in the UK haven’t been too great but the one before was a scorcher. Maybe we are in line for a good one this year following that awful Winter snow.

Who knows but one thing is for sure it’s on its way and the girls in the street are wearing skimpy tops already. It has been sunny today but not enough for bare arms and legs yet. Admitedy they were young girls and they tend to wear next to nothing whatever the weather these days.

As a teenager I was far more sensible. Always took an umbrella if it was going to rain and a descent coat to keep my dry and warm. Whilst others stood shivering waiting for buses or taxis. Not me. Lol

My thoughts turned to spending more time outside in the garden and water fights. The hose pipe or super soaker’s are very popular, I have to do with the former, not being in possession of a super soaker.

This year could be different though. Little nephew is now old enough to be in charge of his own water propelling toy. So we may have to get one for when he stays over. Aren’t kids great. 🙂

As these thoughts ran through my mind so did my affinity with sex toys and you will never guess what I came across. Or perhaps you will, knowing me so well.

Have you ever wondered just what it would be like to run around the garden freely ejaculating all over your partner. Well with the little number above you know need speculate any more

Super Water GunOr if you are fancying something a little more sizeable you could try this one but don’t let the neighbours catch you, they may want to join in the fun

Right I’m off to get wet the other way, I think that it is probably safer. 😉

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