Gym Insights
I’ve decided due to popular demand to give you regular updates on the daily goings on at my local gym. It’s a bit like visiting the local zoo as the behaviour in some cases resembles that displayed by animals but enough of that later. Lol
Nursing a hangover this morning, I decided it would be a wise idea to venture down to the gym in the afternoon post lunch.
When I got there the car park was relatively quiet compared to previous weekend visits, probably relates to the ongoing Easter holidays for local schools.
Once inside I took my seat on a bike as I do for warm up, 5 mins at 86 revs per min followed by intermittent 1 min bursts at 113 plus for a further 5 mins.
Approximately 1 minute in I noticed an oddly matched couple height wise to my left. They appeared to be taking turns on the same equipment. She was petite and he was gangly but trying hard to develop those “T-Shirt Muscles”. 😀
She was an attractive petite brunette, which was probably the reason why I noticed them in the first place. 😉
I’m cycling along then he starts up with a loud snort. I carried on trying to block him out. The again came the deep sorting and sniffing. Again, I carried on trying to ignore the pig in the corner. But he continued to switch between sorting and sniffing.
My stomach began to churn and remember all of this is over the music playing out from the gym’s PA.
Then came his Pièce de résistance in full view of the open atrium he decided it would be a good idea to poke his nose.
You would think with him being in view of so many people he would have thought twice about this manoeuvre, but no.
In many ways I like this new incarnation of my former gym but I also miss the quality of the cliental of the old one.
i wasn’t sure i would laugh today, at least i hadn’t laughed at anything yet today. but then i read about your gangly man and his social graces. i’m still grinning like a fool thinking of him picking his nose like that. what a twit.
Weird, I couldn’t believe it he had noticed me taking quick glances at him and carried on regardless.
Then again, if he does it quite naturally in front of his girlfriend then he’s not going to take notice of grossing out anyone else. lol